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Councillors (15)

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Mayor and Council/Councillors
PR Councillor Tel:  053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105  
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
Ward 5 Councillor Tel:  053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105  
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
Position: Mayor PR Coucillor Tel: 053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
Ward 7 Councillor Tel:  053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105  
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
Ward 8 Councillor Tel: 053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105 Cell: 083 882 9450
Wednesday, 07 September 2016 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
PR Councillor Tel:  053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105  
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
Ward 3 Councillor Tel:  053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
Ward 4 Councillor Tel:  053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
Ward 1 Councillor Tel:  053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105   
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
Council Whip Ward 6 Councillor Tel: 053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105 Cell: 078 787 0420
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
Position: Speaker PR Councillor Tel: 053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105 Cell: 084 565 9997
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
Ward 2 Councillor Tel:  053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105  
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
PR Councillor Tel:  053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105  
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
PR Councillor Tel:  053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105  
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more
Mayor and Council/Councillors
PR Councillor Tel:  053 632 9100 Fax: 053 631 0105  
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | Print | PDF |  Email | Read more

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